International Network Meeting and Study tour: "Community Involvement and integration of services for IDU's"

On 24 and 25 of April 2013 year in Sofia - Bulgaria was placed 3-th international network meeting as a part from program "Empowering of Public Health System and Sivil Society to Fight Tuberculosis Epidemic Among Vulnerable Groups /TUBIDU/". The project is co-funded by the Ecxecutive Agency for Health and Consumers /EAHC/ to te European Commission.
In the meeting partisipated representatives from different institutions and NGOs form Bulgaira, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Portugal,  Georgia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia and Albania. During the meeting international guests will have the opportunity to hear good practices in Bulgaria about HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and work with IDU's, also they had a chance to visit some places where these services are delivered. 
The theme of the meeting was "Community Involvement and Integration of Services for IDU's" and was located in Best Western Plus City Hotel - Sofia.