March 24 - World Tuberculosis Day
On 24 March in 1882 year, the German bacteriologist Robert Koch, announce that he isolated the Tuberculosis bacillus. The world Tuberculosis Day is celebrated from 1996 year with support of World Health Organization.
Every third of the Earth population is tuberculosis infected and every 20 seconds one man dies from Tuberculosis. By the general secretary of UN, the number of the TB patients will be increased if the operated actions for fight with that epidemic are not taken.
In Bulgaria for a third serial year continue the trend for permanently decrease of TB rates - from 40 of 100 000 people in 2005 year, to 30 of 100 000 people in 2010 year. The common number of TB patients in 2011 year in the country is 2 407 people, compared to 2 649 people for 2010 year.
In occasion of The World Tuberculosis Day - 24 March - in Burgas for the period 25 - 29 March in the Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Lunf Dideases /with adress: Burgas town, 64 "General Gurko" str./, will be leaded Days of "Open Gates". In this period will be offered free of charge examinations for TB for everyone that wish.
Do yorself a test!!!
At the moment "Dose of love" Association implement project: EMPOWERING PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM AND CIVIL SOCIETY TO FIHGT TUBERCULOSIS EPIDEMIC AMONG VULNERABLE GRUOPS /TUBIDU/. The main partner by the project is National Institute for Health, Tallinn, Estonia. "Dose of love" Association is a project partner together with organizations from Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Estonia. The main goal of the project is to contribute to the prevention of IDU- and HIV-related TB epidemic in the pertner countries. TUBIDU is a project co-funded by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers /EAHC/.